Countdown to the final book of the Hunger Games!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 10-Songs you listen to when you're bored, happy, sad, mad, hyped

Oh man, so it's been a while. Really, the reason why I haven't been so strict with the 30 day challenge is because my sister-in-law has been just as bad. Yep, I'm using her as an excuse.

Also, I've had to think about this one. Which is weird. It should come that easy because I am constantly listening to music. I'm one of those people when someone gets up in church and says that we should try to turn off our ipods and radios who nervously looks away ha ha.
I just love music so much! I love to listen, and even more, I love to sing it!

When I'm bored, I listen to a lot of different music. It's like I have this choice when I'm bored. I can either eat or listen to music, but either will defeat my boredom. I really listen to anything from Elton John to Broadway musicals to The Rocket Summer to Lady Antebellum. If it's got a good melody and good lyrics, I don't care what genre it's in, I'll listen. And belt it out if I'm alone. Just check out my playlist at the bottom of the page. I listen to that at work.

The songs I listen to when I'm happy depend on what's made me happy. Because honestly, it could be something like "If It's Love" by Train, or it could be something like "The Spirit of God." So...could be a temporal happy or a spiritual happy. I mean, I guess either way is good, one's just more lasting. ;)

The Fray, Dashboard Confessional and Taylor Swift win points for the most sad songs I listen to. Although "I'm Moving On" by Rascal Flatts is the all-time best song when I'm sad. Because it helps me get through the sad part and onto the "moving on" part. Another song that gets me every time I'm sad is called "Sometimes He Lets It Rain." I'm not sure who sings it, but it's on my girl's camp CD.

When I'm mad, I'm all about Pink and Kelly Clarkson. They just have so many good girl-power songs. If I'm listening to one of their angry songs, don't mess with me.

When I'm hyped, I have to say I love those terrible songs by Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry. Like, if I'm gonna have a night out with the girls, you can bet those songs will be blaring. "Hot and dangerous, if you're one of us then roll with us, 'cause we make the hipsters fall in love when we've got our hot pants on and up."

1 comment:

  1. Haha I'm glad you used me as an excuse because I'm using you as one too. I seriously am horrible at this challenge.
